Kato Ladies Clinic pioneers the method of natural IVF. In natural IVF, woman's body is not injected with hormones to induce certain numbers of follicles. Instead, the doctors monitor our naturally produced follicles and pick the best ones.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Embryo Transfer Timing

For embryo transfer, Kato Ladies Clinic told me to check in on day 14 after menstruation in order to monitor my ovulation. Once my ovulation is determined, then the transfer will be five days later. Cost estimation is 236,000 yen plus costs for blood tests.

Friday, March 5, 2010


One of my eggs was able to go through the blastocyst stage. I am relief and very happy to find out this news. So now my next step will be to prepare my body for embryo transfer in a few months. Blastocyst cost was 70,000 yen.